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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Divine Books

Divine Books
In the Service of Scholars since 1976
40/13,  Shakti Nagar, Delhi 110007
Ph. No. 011 65196428
Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series
1. The Dhammapada-A Collection of Verses. Trans.into English F Max Muller. The Sutta Nipata/ Trans. By V. Fausball.  , ISBN.978-93-81218-09-9.Rs.500
2. Analysis of the Abhisamayalamkara ./E.Obermiller. ISBN. 978-93-81218-18-1. Rs. 700
3. The Life of Buddha by Ashvaghosha  Bodhisattva - Translated from Chinese into English by Samuel eal. / ISBN 978-93-  81218-14-3 / Rs.450
4. Buddhist Suttas/ Eng.Trans. T.W.Rhys Davids. ISBN 978-93-81218-02-0 /   Rs.450
5. Hand Book of Colloquial Tibetan/ Graham Sandberg.  ISBN.978-93-81218-10-5. Rs.450
6.  Buddha Carita/ Eng.Trans. E.B.Cowell. ISBN 978-93-81218-04-4/ Rs.300
7. The Larger Sukhavati-Vyuha.The Smaller Sukhavati-Vyuha,The Vajracchedika, The Larger Prajna Paramita-Hridaya-Sutra., The Smaller Prajna Paramita-Hridaya-Sutra./Trans. F.Max Muller. The Amitaayur-Dhyana-Sutra/Trans. J.Takakusu, Delhi,2011. ISBN.978-93-81218-03-7,  Rs.500
8. Vinaya Texts.Part II-The Mahavagga,V-X, The Culavagga I-III, /Trans.  T.W.Rhys Davids, Hermann Oldenberg, ISBN.978-93-81218-06-8.Vo.II.  978-93-81218-08-2 (Set.) Price. Rs.600  Per Vol.

9. Vinaya Texts-Part III, The Culavagga IV-XII. / Trans. by T.W.Rhys Davids, Hermann Oldenberg, ISBN.978-93-81218-07-5. Vol.III.  978-93-81218-08-2 (Set.) Price. Rs.600 Per Vol.

10. Vinaya Texta. Part I- The Patimokkha, The Mahavagga I-IV.Trans. by T.W.Rhys Davids, Hermann Oldenberg, ISBN.978-93-81218-05-1 Vol.I.  978-93-81218-08-2 (Set.) Price. Rs.600 Per Vol.
11. The Lotus Sutra - Being an english translation of Saddharma-Pundrika Sutra/ Trans.H.Kern/ ISBN 978-93-81218-01-3  /  Rs. 450
13. The Questions of King Milinda.Trans. T.W.Rhys Davids. Part I.  ISBN.078-93-81218-22-8.Vol.I.  978-93-81218-24-2. (Set.) Rs. 600.  Per Vols.

14. The Questions of King Milinda, Trans. T.W.Rhys Davids. Part II. ISBN.978-93-81218-23-5/Vol.II.  978-93-81218-24-2. (Set.) Rs. 600.  Per Vols
15.  Buddhist Texts from Japan. Ed. F.Max Muller, ISBN. 978-93-81218-43-3. Rs.600
16. Experiencing Buddhism Ways of Wisdom and Compassion / by Ruben L. F. Habito / .  ISBN.978-93-81218-46-4.Rs. 450
Book Description
A lucid introduction to the Buddhist experience and how it leads to the many varieties of Buddhism.

"An engaging blend of thematic exposition on the main Buddhist doctrines and experiences both from classic sources and from modern accounts."--John P. Keenan

This book engages the reader with its story-telling style as it illustrates the principles of Buddhism with concrete examples. Paying special attention to the rise of Buddhist practice in the West, Habito introduces the novice to Buddhist experience in its historical unity and the variety of traditions that reflect its essence. Integrated into Habito's text are five personal accounts by practicing Buddhists: on being a Therevada Buddhist by the Venerable Dhammananda, Dr. Chatsumarn Kabilsing; on being a Zen Buddhist by Jan Chozen Bays; on being a Tibetan Buddhist by Judith Simmer Brown; on being a Pure Land Buddhist by Kenneth Tanaka; and on living the Lotus by Virginia Straus.

Ruben L. F. Habito is professor of world religions and spirituality, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, and resident teacher, Maria Kannon Zen Center, Dallas, Texas.
Thanking you.
Divine Books
40/13.Shakti Nagar.
India. 6519 6428

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