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Friday, December 21, 2012

Fw: H-ASIA: CFP "Migration, Mobility, and Movements: Crossing Borders in World History", Northeastern Univ. Grad Conf in World History, Boston, Mar 16-17, 2013

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 4:37 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP "Migration, Mobility, and Movements: Crossing Borders
in World History", Northeastern Univ. Grad Conf in World History, Boston,
Mar 16-17, 2013

> December 21, 2012
> Call for papers: "Migration, Mobility, and Movements: Crossing Borders in
> World History", Fifth Annual Graduate Conference in World History,
> Northeastern University, Boston, March 16-17, 2013
> *********************************************************************
> From: H-Net Announcements <announce@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
> CALL FOR PAPERS: "Migration, Mobility, and Movements: Crossing Borders in
> World History"
> Location: Massachusetts, United States
> Call for Papers Date: 2012-12-30 (in 9 days)
> Date Submitted: 2012-12-20
> Announcement ID: 199714
> The Graduate Students in the Department of History at Northeastern
> University (Boston, Massachusetts) invite proposals for their Fifth Annual
> Graduate Student Conference on World History: March 16 and 17, 2013. This
> years conference title is Migration, Mobility, and Movements: Crossing
> Borders in World History.
> KEYNOTE SPEAKER: DONNA GABACCIA, Professor of History and Director,
> Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota.
> Keynote Address: From Immigration History to Mobility Studies.
> CONFERENCE THEME: Motion is a constant feature of our world. Humans
> migrate from region to region or nation to nation temporarily for short
> spans of time, permanently for longer spans, or just for today. Material
> goods, languages, culture, ideas and ideologies grow increasingly mobile.
> Belief systems political, ethical, religious foster social movements that
> alter lives. The world is geography in flux. We invite papers on these
> topics and many more. NETWORKS: transnational transmission of ideas or
> ideologies, commercial or technological webs, contact between people, and
> more.
> SOCIAL and POLITICAL MOVEMENTS: the emergence, development and spread of
> social and/or political movements within and across various geographic
> regions.
> CULTURAL MOBILITY: the patterns and networks that human societies
> create, the flexibility of cultures, and exchanges between different
> cultures.
> MIGRATIONS: transnational, regional,intra and inter-continental, for
> purposes as diverse as there are migrations.
> MAPPING MOVEMENTS: movement of ideas, commodities, technologies or
> people.We especially invite use of the new historical investigative
> methods in network analysis and the digital humanities.
> We invite graduate students in degree programs in history and other
> cognate disciplines to present work on any of these topics and more.
> In addition, we invite public history students to present their research
> using public history techniques such as posters, exhibition models, video,
> etc.
> We also welcome panel proposals. If you would like to propose a panel
> with chair, please get in touch separately.
> Faculty are invited to volunteer as chair/commentators in their research
> areas.
> To be considered, the following documents should be sent to the program
> committee at by December 30, 2012:
> Individual Panelists:
> -200-word abstract describing paper or work to be presented
> -Brief curriculum vitae
> -List of audio/visual needs, if applicable
> Panels:
> -List of all panel members (3 per panel) with designated chairperson, if
> applicable
> -200-word abstract that discusses the theme of the panel
> -200-word abstract for each paper or work to be presented
> -Brief curriculum vitae for each panelist and chairperson
> -List of audio/visual needs, if applicable
> Selected panelists will be notified via email by January 15, 2013. Please
> contact with any questions, or visit our website at
> Registration is free, and we provide breakfast and lunch both days, free
> of charge. Graduate students from afar can request housing with our
> graduate students. Northeastern University is well-placed on bus and
> subway lines in the heart of Boston. Logan Airport is the closest airport
> and is accessible by public transportation. The conference will begin at
> 8:30 am on Saturday, March 16 and run through the early evening reception
> for our keynote speaker. We begin again at 8:30 am on Sunday, March 17,
> with a tentative end time of 3:30 pm that day.
> Sana Tannoury Karam
> Email:
> Visit the website at
> H-Net reproduces announcements that have been submitted to us as a free
> service to the academic community. If you are interested in an
> announcement listed here, please contact the organizers or patrons
> directly. Though we strive to provide accurate information, H-Net (and
> H-ASIA)cannot accept responsibility for the text of announcements
> appearing in this service.
> Send comments and questions to H-Net Webstaff:
> <>.
> H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences Online
> Humanities & Social Sciences Online
> Hosted by Matrix at Michigan State University
> Copyright (c) 1995-2013
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